Resource Development Plan

Resource development planning implies a deliberate process to prepare for the future. The process of planning can be complex, time-consuming, and guided by external consultants or, conversely, it can be pragmatic, simple, and built into the existing internal routines of your organization. Resource development is a professional and academic discipline unto itself. Not surprisingly, there are a stunning number of commonly used strategic planning models to guide resource development planning. In practice, many of these models are astoundingly complex, requiring the use of detailed flowcharts and software to understand and track. Such models are also very resource intensive (time, staffing, money) to implement with integrity. These models are unlikely to be a good approach for your mentoring program. Alternatively, this workbook takes a utilitarian approach to resource development planning.

The center for Excellence in Operation & Management has vast experience in preparing resources development plan of different type of organizations align with the strategic business plan. Our highly professional and experienced consultants are waiting to support your organization.