Concept Note/Proposal Development

A concept note is perhaps the shortest expression of a project idea given on paper to a donor. It is generally used to first propose a project to a donor before submitting a full application. Concept notes are typically between one and four pages long and summarize the key points of the proposed project.

A project proposal is a document that is used to convince a sponsor that a project needs to be kicked-off to solve a particular business problem or opportunity. It describes in depth, how the project is going to be commenced so that the sponsor understands what is involved early.

The center for Excellence in Operation & Management has a pool of consultants who has a long experience in resource development and fundraising for the development organizations. Our experts can help you in developing project concept note as well as full proposal for the institutional donor, government funds as well as local CSR of the corporates. We have specialized in developing concept note and proposal for housing and human settlement, urban development, humanitarian & crisis response, disaster risk reduction and response, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH), Livelihoods, Human Rights, Advocacy, Volunteering, Youth Development, Women Empowerment, etc. Our professional consultants are highly experienced and waiting to support you to ensure required funding for your organizational mission.