Policy Development

Organizations develop policies generally to help them run efficiently in achieving their objectives. They also develop them to comply with the legal and social environment in which they operate as well as to build goodwill with both their employees and their customers. In this way, policies help shape the culture of an organization. They run the gamut from simple parking policies and dress codes to operational policies to complex policies involving benefits and legal rights. To help organizations run efficiently, these policies must be appropriate, well written, and easily accessible. Furthermore, as management tools, they must be updated and maintained regularly to work effectively.

Depending on the size and management style of a organization, the task of creating and writing policy statements varies widely. A small, growing organization may start with unwritten policies created by the owners and move to written ones as the need arises. In the early twenty-first century, many such organizations purchase template policy manuals, adapting them as appropriate to their businesses. As organizations grow larger, their need for formal policies grows. These policies help ensure consistency and fairness to all employees.

The management style of the organization often determines who sets the policies. Typically, organizations with a top-down management style tend to delegate the policy making. Boards of directors often create policies for executives, while executives and managers create them for their subordinates. Very large organizations not only have written policies; they often have different policies for different groups of employees. A set of travel policies, for example, may apply only to those employees who travel, or there may even be different policies for international and domestic travelers. The policy may even vary by level in the organization.

The center for Excellence in Operation & Management has vast experience in developing policies, procedures and guidelines for different types of organizations as per their need. Our highly professional and experienced consultants are waiting to support your organization.