CEOM became the member of Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)

The Center for Excellence in Operation & Management became the member of Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC). (WSSCC) is a global, multi-stakeholder membership and partnership organization that works with poor people, organizations, governments and local entrepreneurs to improve sanitation and hygiene at scale. WSSCC founded in 1990, WSSCC’s work contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6, target 2, with far-reaching impacts on related SDG targets for health, education, women’s empowerment, reducing inequality, improved urban spaces and climate change mitigation. WSSCC facilitates sector coordination at national, regional and global levels, and engages rights holders and duty bearers to adopt policy guidelines on menstrual hygiene and disability.

WSSCC also supports national sanitation and hygiene improvement programmes through its Global Sanitation Fund (GSF), coordinates knowledge platforms, and advocates on behalf of the 2 billion people without access to improved sanitation across the globe. The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is the legal and administrative host of WSSCC.

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